Yale Politics Initiative

2024-2025 Team


Ava Jenkins - Co-Director

Ava (she/her) is a junior in Saybrook college majoring in History with a certificate in French. She is from Milwaukee, Wisconsin and loves the Packers, the Bucks, and the Mclaren F1 team. In addition to YPI, Ava is involved in Bridges ESL, the YDN, and prison education policy research. She loves to spend time with her friends trying to find the best pasta place in the city.


Casey Lewis - Co-Director

Casey (he/him) is a junior in Timothy Dwight College majoring in Political Science. Outside of YPI, Casey enjoys committing his time to other political and social justice organizations. Casey is passionate about working to create a more equitable and just society. He enjoys listening to music and trying new restaurants around New Haven in his free time.


Emily Nguyen - Co-Coordinator

Emily (she/her) is a sophomore from San Francisco, CA in Berkeley College majoring in Ethics, Politics, and Economics. In addition to YPI, Emily is involved with the Yale College Council, Yale Spring Fling, and the City of New Haven. In her free time, she loves to bike, read, thrift, and explore cafes. She is also is a big enthusiast for sushi, especially spicy tuna rolls.

Carter Rinaldi - Co-Coordinator

Carter (he/him) is a sophomore Eli Whitney student from Colorado Springs, CO in Morse College majoring in Political Science. Before coming to Yale, Carter was an enlisted Marine until his honorable discharge in 2021. Outside the classroom he is passionate about voter advocacy and civics education and on the weekend he enjoys exploring Connecticut with his wife.